CS-SUNN is taking deliberate steps to scale-up her programs, increase
funding/partnerships as well as identify other funding windows to ensure sustainability and growth of the organization beyond projects’ lifetime.
At a 2-days Fundraising strategy review meeting concluded on 14th January, 2020 in
Abuja, CS-SUNN reviewed her Resource Mobilization Strategy/Business Plan (2017-
2021) in line with her key strategic focus areas, Partnership, Advocacy, Capacity
building, Evidence generation, Institutionalization and Service delivery (PACEIS).
The Alliance will adopt fundraising tactics like hosting fund raising events, raising
Nutrition Ambassadors to identify potential donors and improve on her donor
communication and cultivation strategies to grow its level of spending annually from the
current level of between $430,000 and $685,000 to at least $1m annually before the
end of the strategic period based on the strategic plan.